我問了雪娥媽咪,我可以把您吃了Zencoso Balls 的好見證分享出來嗎?她非常慈祥表示可以啊 ☺️ 話說因為多年的 #糖尿病和 #高血壓問題,精神不是很好,MCO期間腳也開始水腫。在上個禮拜,女兒雪娥買了 #ZencosoChewableBalls,吃了不到一個星期,腳的水腫消了!小便容易很多,感覺膀胱小便有力呢!還有媽媽一直都有吃 #Shiruto,指甲和皮膚也變好了好多。她也說很喜歡吃酸酸的Shiruto #加強免疫系統。感謝雪娥媽咪願意分享因爲希望能幫到更多的人特別是老人家?!雪娥爸爸也非常驚訝,説雖然身體還算健康但也要吃這保健食品呢! ?
Suat Ngor has shared her mom’s good news after consuming #Zencosoballs and requested to pay a visit to her mom today. Very amazingly, after taking Zencoso ball for about a week, Suat Ngor’s mommy who suffered #Diabetes and #HighBloodPressure for many years, during MCO felt her swollen legs were reduced so much. Not just that. she realised she can urinate better without waiting. ?? She is also a #Shiruto lover and see great improvement on her nails texture and also her skin complexion. ? Suat Ngor’s daddy also felt very excited even though he feels his body is strong ? but he also wanna to take this Zencoso balls! ? He said good supplement must try! Again thanks for both uncle and Aunty’s sharing because this definitely can help many who is suffering the similar problem especially the elderly!
P/s: Aunty is taking #8Zencoso balls a day and #1sachet of Shiruto daily!
Learn more about Zencosoball
Learn more about Shiruto
#HappyParentsDay #ZencosoBalls #Shiruto
#GiveHealthToOurParents #FoodEnzyme #VitaminsOfImmunity
#送健康給父母親 #雙親節快樂