Simply Amazing ??? to have SHIRUTO!!!
Dato Edward , aged 53 from Kuala Lumpur ; was diagnosed for Chronic Crohns Disease which had triggered some major health repercussions. Over a period of 38 months he had lost close to 41kgs in the process. Edward was also transfused with about 30 bags of blood as he had consistently lost blood in the process.
After a life saving surgery on the 26th of October 2018 , Edward was hospitalised over another month.
During the entire period of hospitalization and discharge from the hospital he had to be in adult diapers and his family took turns to clean , bathe and feed him.
After being introduced to SHIRUTO, Edward miraculously recovered (got up from bed , had a good shower and no longer had the need to use diapers or consume any more medication after just consuming just #4sachets of Shiruto)
He now continues to have a healthy life and enjoys sharing about his testimony of restoration.
He gives thanks to the *Almighty and for the very special friends from BE International who visited him during his bed~ridden days.*
With THOUSANDS OF Testimonials shared ??❤?, IT WORKS! ❤?
#BEInternational #ThanksBEFounders
#Shiruto #Healthy #Japan